Created June 1985
Revised June 1986, May 1988, June 1991, June 1992, May 2006, June 2007 and June 2015.
1 The Club shall be called the Pentland Hills Chess Club.
2 The objects of the Club shall be to provide facilities for the pursuit of the game of chess, to organise competitions and to arrange for the representation of the Club in chess leagues, competitions and tournaments.
3 The Club shall have a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer as office bearers.
4 The business of the Club shall be conducted by a Committee consisting of office bearers plus up to two further elected members, all of whom shall be eligible for re-election at each Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall be required to meet at the beginning of each season, and thereafter as necessary. Three shall form a quorum. The Committee shall have power to co-opt additional members for special purposes, to appoint subcommittees and to fill any vacancies that may arise.
5 There shall be several categories of membership: Junior, Full, Concessionary, Associate and Honorary. Junior membership is open to anyone under eighteen years of age on the first of September of the current season. Concessionary membership is open to anyone over sixty years of age on the first of September of the current season. Associate membership is at the discretion of the Committee. Junior and Concessionary subscription fees shall be set by the Committee. The Full subscription fee will be reduced to the Concessionary fee for full-time students and registered unemployed, or in cases of hardship at the discretion of the Committee. A reduced fee for Associate membership shall be set by the Committee. Honorary members will not be subject to an annual fee.
6 The Committee shall have power to admit members, to refuse membership to any applicant without reason, and to request a member to resign if it is considered in the Club’s interests to do so. Associate members may be admitted on special terms at the discretion of the Committee.
7 The Committee shall have the power to grant Honorary Membership in circumstances where former members have made a special contribution to the Club.
8 The President shall preside over all meetings of the Club or Committee and shall have only a casting vote on all matters. If the President is absent the Vice-President or any other office bearer shall deputise. A majority of the votes of members present shall be held as a resolution of the meeting.
9 The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the end of June in each year to elect the Committee for the following season, to receive the Secretary’s report and the Treasurer’s statement of accounts for the season just ended, and to transact any other business. Seven members shall form a quorum. An auditor shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
10 A Special General Meeting must be called if petitioned by 25% of the total of Full / Concessionary members. This request must be made in writing to the Secretary stating reason(s) for such a meeting, which must be called within twenty-one days of the request. The notice calling such a meeting will be communicated to all members not less than fourteen days prior to the meeting. Written requests / notification may be by letter or e-mail. Seven members shall form a quorum.